Friday, September 28, 2012

October 1-5

7th/8th Reading: The students really enjoyed playing the Ultimate Hangman Doodle App this week on the iPad. This week we will be reading "Telling Time"  and "Time Zones" and completing activities that go along with the story. The students will also be learning how to diagram sentences .

6th Reading/English: The students really enjoyed playing the Ultimate Hangman Doodle App this week on the iPad. This week we be going over the vowel and consonant chart and focusing on verbs.

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 24-28

7th/8th Reading: This week students will be reviewing verbs and nouns and focusing on stages 2-4 in the Masterpiece Sentence Activity. Students will also be listening for word parts in multisyllable words. They will be having a quiz over lessons 1-5 on Friday as well.

6th Reading and English: This week we will be starting the Language! curriculum. Students will be introduced to phonemic awareness by particpating in multiple drills and activities. Students will also review adn practice with nouns and practice on their reading fluency.

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 17th-21st

7th/8th Reading: This week we are beginning the Language! curriculum. We are going to delve into linguistics and review the two categories that make up the English language: vowels and consonants and how we pronounce these sounds.

6th Reading: This week we are going to focus on a story titled "Three Hundred Pesos." We will be completing many activities based on this story.

English: This week we are going to read two stories "Jane of the Apes" and "The Greatest Fish Story" When we read the stories we will leave off the end and the students will have to write their own ending. We will then compare their endings to the real endings in the stories.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Read All About Me and Writing Assessments

The students finished their Read All About Me Newspapers and they look great in the hallway. I will post pictures soon on the blog. This week students will be starting a writing pre-assessment. It is similar to the state writing assessment. This will the students and I see what they do well in writing and what they need to work on in writing. The students had to pick an item/object that is important to them and why it is important to them. I'm excited to read their great writing.