Reading Syllabus

Mrs. Funderburk’s Classroom
Room 20

Classroom Rules:
·        Be Respectful
·        Be Responsible
·        Be Safe

Classroom Attitude:
*Positive attitude everyday!
*Please, thank you, asking permission.  Kindness goes a long way.
*Prepared to work hard every day. Bring your materials.
*On time & reading when bell rings.  Excused tardies need a signed pass.
*Following directions & using class time wisely.
*Act appropriately!
*Inappropriate behavior includes things which are destructive, disrespectful or disruptive to yourself, others & your surrounding environment.

Expect to:
·        Ask Questions
·        Answer Questions
·        Work Hard
·        Learn
·        Laugh and Enjoy the class
·        Read, Read, Read

·        First Time: Name on the board (Only 1 Warning)
·        Second Time: One Check-15 minute detention with me in the morning and note sent home for parents to sign. (Note must be signed and come back or detention doubles)
·        Third Time: Two Checks- 30 minute detention with me in the morning and note sent home for parents to sign.
·        Fourth Time: Office referral and parents called.

·        Positive Notes Home
·        A Phone Call Home
·        Joy Of Learning
·        Time to work on other homework
·        Fun reading activities
·        iPad Time

·        Loose Lined Paper
·        SSR Book
·        Highlighters
·        Sticky Notes
What we will be learning:
·        Language! Program which includes phonemic awareness, word recognition/spelling, vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading comprehension and speaking and writing.
·        MobyMax
·        Scholastic Action Magazine
·        iPad Reading Apps
·        How to become better readers

Grading Policy:
Central Middle School Grading Policy

Belief Statement: Central Middle School believes that marks/grades are to be assigned regularly to communicate to students and parents the progress being made in regards to students’ learning in the classroom.  These marks/grades are to reflect a students’ learning of classroom content and their progress toward district/state grade level standards.


Grading Period:  The school operates on a semester system consisting of two 18 week grading periods. 

Progress Reports: A report will be mailed home from the school at the nine week mark of each semester and at the end of the each semester.

Formative Assessments: Represent approximately 50% of final calculated grade (by total points).

•       Minimum of 12 assignments given during the 18 week semester.
•       Activities include:
o      Homework: Homework is to be used as a reinforcement tool to improve and extend learning or mastery of a topic or concept.  The student should be able to complete the task independently without the requirement of adult support.  It is not to exceed more than 10% of a students’ final grade.  Assigned homework (actually assigned to be completed at home) is not to consist of new material or content. 
o      Class Participation: Small group discussions, class discussions,
o      Quizzes
o      Class Work
o      District Common Assessments

Summative Assessments: Represent approximately 50% of the final calculated grade (by total points).

•       Minimum of 5 summative assignments in the 18 week period. 
•       Activities include:
o      Projects
o      Tests
o      Presentations
o      Reports
o      Written Papers
o      District Common Assessments
o      Quizzes

Grading Scale:
•       90-100% = A
•       80-89% = B
•       70-79% = C
•       60-69% = D
•       1-59% = F

Late or missing work: Late work is accepted within three weeks of the original due date, up until the end of the semester, for up to 70% credit if completed properly.  Late or missing work receives a mark of “blank” for missing, which is calculated as a zero.  Missing work is expected to be completed by the student

Extra Credit: Extra Credit is optional according to the teacher.  It must be standards based and directly related to the class’ curriculum.  Extra credit cannot raise a student’s grade by more than 2%.  Extra credit does not replace normal assignments.

Make-up Work Due to Student Absence: For every day of absence a student has, they are allowed two school days to make up the work for full credit.

Grade book codes:
        -“Blank” means assignment is missing and is calculated as a zero.
        -“Zero” means the assignment has been entered and cannot be made up.
        -“Ex” means the student has been excused from the assignment, and is not                   calculated in their grade.

 Indicate you have read the following by signing and dating below.  If you have any questions you can contact me at:
    Telephone:     School- (541) 938-7302
                     Cell- (541) 310-1254


Student:                                                    Date:             

Parent/Guardian:                                           Date:             

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