Friday, December 19, 2014

January 5-9

Welcome Back! I hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

6th Grade: We will be taking a spelling pre-test and reviewing antonyms and creating compound predicates. We will practice summarizing a text and writing the concluding paragraph to our multi-paragraph report. This week the 6th grade will be taking the MAPS testing.

7th Grade: Students will be taking a spelling pre-test and creating compound sentences. We will be reading "Kites: Shapes and Uses" and "Are Chimps People Too?"  We will also be reviewing possessives.

8th Grade: Students will be taking a spelling pre-test and reviewing antonyms, synonyms and attributes. They will also be creating compound sentences with compound subjects and predicates. They will be reading "Art at Home and in Caves" and "Are Chimps People Too?"

Friday, December 12, 2014

December 15-19


We will be reading article out of the ACTION magazine. Two of the articles are about marijuana and another one is talking about taking selfies. Starting on Thursday we will be reading "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and then watching the movie. We will be comparing (similar) and contrasting (differences) between the book and the movie.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 8-12

Canned Food Drive: Bring in cans to your homeroom to help those in need. This is a homeroom competition. :)

6th: Students will be taking a phonics assessment and a spelling assessment this week. They will be completing an informal outline and reviewing synonyms. We will be reading "Earth to Echo" out of the ACTION magazine.

7th: Students will learn how to answer multiple choice questions and create their own. They will take a phonics and spelling assessment. They will also read "Earth to Echo" out of the ACTION magazine.

8th: Students will learn how to write an introduction to an opinion essay and complete an informal opinion outline.. They will also be taking a phonics and spelling assessment. They will be reading "Earth to Echo" out of the ACTION magazine.

Friday, November 14, 2014

November 17-21

6th Grade: This week we will be reading "Singing Whales" and write sentences using compound subjects. We will also be reading the article "Standing Up to Save Her Parents" out of the ACTION magazine.

7th Grade: This week we will be reading "Facts About Kites," writing compound sentences and distinguishing between a fact an an opinion statement. We will also be reading the article "Standing Up to Save Her Parents" out of the ACTION magazine.

8th Grade: This week we will be completing a K-W-L chart, reading "Making Art," and reviewing the parts of an opinion essay. We will also be reading the article "Standing Up to Save Her Parents" out of the ACTION magazine.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Conferences are this week...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014: 4:30-8:00 (In Classrooms)

Thursday, November 6, 2014: 4:30-8:00 (Gym)

Friday, November 7, 2014: 7:30-3:30 (Gym)

If you attend conferences, you will get a free assignment pass in my class. :) Hope to see you there!

Congratulations Homeroom!!!

Our homeroom has great team spirit. We won the fundraiser. We had the most participation in dress up during Red Ribbon Week. We took 2nd place for the door decorating contest. We also won first place in the RC car race. Way to go. I'm so proud of you.


Friday, October 24, 2014

October 27-31 Red Ribbon Week

This week is Red Ribbon Week. Why are you drug free? The homeroom doors look great!

6th Grade: Students will be reading "Newspaper Connections" Web of Lies" and "Web Wins" and answering comprehension questions. Students will also be able to identify nouns and verbs. They will read "The Cheetah Daddy" article in the ACTION Magazine.

7th Grade: Students will be reading "Time Zones" and answering comprehension questions and identifying vocabulary words. Students will be reading "The Cheetah Daddy" article in the ACTION Magazine.

8th Grade: Students will be able to identify prefixes read "Way to Go" and answer comprehension questions and read "The Cheetah Daddy" article in the ACTION Magazine.

Note: There is no school on Friday. :) Also, conferences are next week.

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 20-24

6th Grade: Students will be able to identify compound subjects, read "Log-On" use contractions in their sentences and read the article "Celebrity Scoop" in ACTION Magazine.

7th Grade: Students will be able to read "It's About Time" use contractions in their writing, compose a compound sentence, review synonyms and read the article "Celebrity Scoop" in ACTION Magazine.

8th Grade: Students will take a spelling pre-test, reading "Solving Problems, use contractions in their writing, add transitions to their paragraphs and read the article "Celebrity Scoop" in ACTION Magazine.

Friday, October 3, 2014


8th Grade: This week we will be re-reading "It'll Never Work" and writing an expository paragraph. We will also be reading the ACTION magazine article "Online Disasters."

7th Grade: We will be re-reading "Telling Time" and answering comprehension questions. We will analyze a personal narrative and reading the ACTION magazine article "Online Disasters."

6th Grade: We will be re-reading "World Wide Web" and answer comprehension questions. We will also write an expository paragraph. We will read the ACTION magazine article "Online Disasters."

There is no school on Friday! :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 29-October 3

6th: Students will be able to summarize a reading, distinguish between a fact and opinion, read the "World Wide Web" and understand the vocabulary words and read  "The War of the Worlds" in the ACTION magazine.

7th:Students will be able to summarize a reading, write a compound sentence, reading "Telling Time" and understand the vocabulary words and read "The War of the Worlds" in the ACTION magazine.

8th: Students will be able to learn how to define words using context clues, read "It'll Never Work" and understand the vocabulary words and read "The War of the Worlds" in the ACTION magazine.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 22-26

6th: This week we will be taking a spelling test on high frequency words. We will also be reviewing the function of nouns and reading "The Biggest Shark That Ever Lived" in the ACTION magazine.

7th: This week we will be taking a spelling pre-test on high frequency words. We will also be reading the story "Past Time" and learning about irregular verb forms. We will be reading "The Biggest Shark That Ever Lived" in the ACTION magazine.

8th: This week we will be exploring the word 'invent' reviewing closed syllables and compounds words. We will be reading "Off the Wall" in the textbook and reading "The Biggest Shark That Ever Lived" in the ACTION magazine.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 15-19

This week we will be taking placement/baseline assessments to see what the students are struggling in and what they are excelling in. They will cover comprehension, spelling, fluency and writing.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Great First Week

We had a great first week back.

This week the students are going to focus on their "Read All About Me Newspaper" This assignment is worth 25 points and is due September 11th. They will be presenting it to the class. On Friday we will start our pre assessments for the Language! program.

Let's have a great second week! :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

I hope you had an enjoyable summer! I'm looking forward to another outstanding school year. Check here for weekly calendars, the syllabus and the app of the week. I will also be posting pictures of the different activities throughout the school year.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 28-May 2

6th: This week we will be reading "Rachel Carson" and having a vocabulary quiz. We will also be focusing on prepositions and writing an expository paragraph.

7th: This week we will be reading "How Bugs Bug Us" and answering comprehension questions. We will also be looking at and discussing a personal narrative.

8th: This week we will be taking two quizzes on homophones. We will also be reading "A Game of Catch" and writing a literary analysis.

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 14-18

6th: This week we are going to be answering multiple choice and open ended questions. We are also going to complete an informal outline and take a spelling test.

7th: This week you are going to be completing the final draft of your Whale Song report and taking a spelling and grammar test.

8th: this week we are going to be taking a spelling test and writing a literary anaylsis of "The Marble Champ."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 7-11

6th: Students will be reviewing plural and singular present tense verbs. We will also be reading "Looking at Jazz" and having a vocabulary quiz over the words in the text.

7th: This week we will be focusing on summarizing and reading "Woody's Song" and having a vocabulary quiz.

8th: This week we will be reading "The Marble Champ" and taking notes by filling out the 'Map It' graphic organizer. We will have comprehension questions along with a vocabulary quiz.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 10-14

6th: This week we will be reading "What is Jazz?" and "Jazz: The Recipe." We will also learn how to expand the predicate in a sentence.

7th: This week we will review simple and complete subjects. We will also be reading "Whale Song" and have a vocabulary quiz.

8th: This week we will be reading "Butterfly's Bet" and "Raymond's Run." We will also be focusing on homophones and noun functions.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Conferences are:

February 26 from 4:30 -8:00p.m. (gym)
February 27th 12:00-8:00p.m. (gym)
February 28th 8:00a.m-12:00p.m (classrooms)

If you come to conferences you will receive a free assignment pass.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 17-21

6th Grade: We will be reading the story "The Vast Sky" and summarizing it. We will also be reading "Gemini: The Twins" and learning the vocabulary words and taking a quiz.

7th Grade: Students will be able to distinguish between fact and an opinion. They will also be able to write sentences with compound subjects. We will be reading "Newspaper Connections," "Web of Lies," and "Web Wins."

8th Grade: Students will learn words of degrees of meanings. We will read the story "Early Olympic Speeders" and learn the meanings of different suffixes.

Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3-7

6th:We will be reading a story about remarkable twins and having a vocabulary quiz. We will also be having a spelling test on Friday.

7th: We will be reading the "World Wide Web." and taking a vocabulary quiz and answering comprehension questions. We will also be taking a spelling test on Friday.

8th: We will be reviewing what analogies are. We will also read "Quest for a Continent." We will be taking a progress writing test to see how you have improved in your writing.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 27-31 2nd Semester

Welcome to the Beginning of 2nd Semester!
6th: This week we will be reading "Facts About Twins" and learning about pronouns. Do you have twins in your family? Do you know any famous twins?
7th: This week we will be reading "The World Wide Web." We also will be focusing on distinguishing between facts and opinions.
8th: This week we are going to be reading "The First Transcontinental Railroad." We also will be writing compound sentences.

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20-24

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I can't believe the end of the first semester is here. Make sure you turn in all your assignments. :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 13-17

6th: We will be re-reading "Africa Digs" and completing different activities. We will also practice answering multiple choice and open ended questions and learn how to put events in sequential order.

7th: We will be completing a writing progress indicator, End of Book A Content Mastery assessment and begin the LRS assessment. These assessments will show what we have learned in Book A.

8th: We will be reading "Mysteries of Antarctica" and completing different activities that go along with the reading. We will also focus on syllable types and prefixes.