Friday, December 19, 2014

January 5-9

Welcome Back! I hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!

6th Grade: We will be taking a spelling pre-test and reviewing antonyms and creating compound predicates. We will practice summarizing a text and writing the concluding paragraph to our multi-paragraph report. This week the 6th grade will be taking the MAPS testing.

7th Grade: Students will be taking a spelling pre-test and creating compound sentences. We will be reading "Kites: Shapes and Uses" and "Are Chimps People Too?"  We will also be reviewing possessives.

8th Grade: Students will be taking a spelling pre-test and reviewing antonyms, synonyms and attributes. They will also be creating compound sentences with compound subjects and predicates. They will be reading "Art at Home and in Caves" and "Are Chimps People Too?"

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